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Red Kindney Beans 2kg
Kidney beans are familiar to most of us, especially fans of Mexican food where they form a part of chilli con carne. Nutritionally, they are high in fibre and soluble fibre, which makes them great for the digestion.
- The most famous uses are in chilli con carne and salads, but kidney beans are useful in pasta dishes and multitude of others.
- High protein, very high fibre.
Red kidney beans must be cooked properly. If they are not cooked for long enough, then the lectins within will not break down, and you will get an upset stomach. They must be boiled for at least 20 minutes (though in any case, they taste best when cooked for around 45 minutes). The cooking time of red kidney beans will decrease if you soak the beans beforehand, but regardless of this, they must be boiled for at least 20 minutes and not eaten raw!
Because of this, red kidney beans should also not be used to grow bean sprouts.
Kidney beans are tasty though, so all of this cooking is worth it! They are an excellent low-fat source of protein.